I am Angela Santalo
Science (Middle School) Teacher

I am from Miami, Florida
I've been working at OLOL since August 2023
"Find out who you are and do it on purpose."
- Dolly Parton
About Myself

When I was child, As a child, I grew up wanting to be a pediatric nurse.
I have hosted 5 international students from Spain & France, and I was featured in a magazine for an impression of Miley Cyrus.
I decided to become a teacher this year. Teaching is in my DNA. My father is the Dean of Lynn University, and my mother is a teacher at St. Brendan. I have always enjoyed being around children, and grew up wanting to be a pediatric nurse. I tutored kids with my mother throughout college, and found it extremely rewarding not only to help them be better learners, but also to see them succeed.
Becoming a teacher was my call from God. My godmother literally "called me" on the phone, and told me about the opportunity to work at OLOL. I could not pass it up, and I have loved every minute here.
Outside of Jaguars
I run my own non-profit, Art For Others, in which I collect art supplies for underprivileged children in Miami, and conduct art workshops.
I come from a very artistic family. My dad is an artist, and my older brother is a singer!
I have one dog named Blue who is 1 year old. He is a yorkipoo and his name is Blue because he has blue eyes.
When I am not in the classroom, I like to shop, exercise, and sing.

My family is very close, we do almost everything together. We love going to the Fairchild Tropical Botanica Garden so much that we became members. Every year, we always take a huge family vacation with all my aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins all from my mother's side. My family also loves making cakes and cookies for special occasions.
I have a 2 year old Goldendoodle named Stella. She still in her puppy stage, stealing socks and ripping paper.
Jaguar Memories
- Making s'mores with my sixth graders!